Friday, 18 September 2009

W11 - Sept 18

Finally watched GG yesterday at Julies’. Liked it didn’t love, but I won’t give too much away. I will, however, just give a few of my superficial notes. Some might argue all notes on GG are superficial, but I don’t really have time for them.

In terms of pure aesthetics, I feel they are finally styling Serena properly. Dan’s sideburns are ridiculous and have GOT to go. Are they supposed to detract from the fact that he gained weight? I don’t know, but either way, shave them immediately. Jenny; for someone who is supposed to be Queen Bee this year, she could not look trashier or more vamped out! Get it together your highness. Vanessa; uhh are those dreads? Are they extensions? Are they extensions you haven’t washed in several months? NIGHTMARE. Nate; whatever. Chuck and Blair, flawless as ever. AND finally, Dan and Serena’s new mysterious half brother Scott...uhh what? Is he Latino? Italiano? Either way, Lily + Ruphus does not equal Erik Estrada's long lost son. Someone in casting needs to be shot. (pic above). OH and Vanya, the Russian bellboy….happened to catch the actor’s name during the closing credits. Aaron Schwartz – nailed the accent. Shana Tova Schwartzy.

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